Bottle Unscramble Machine: Its Advantages and Applications

unscramble bottle machine
What is a bottle unscrambler?
A quality bottle unscrambler is an automatic, packaging machine with variable speed that receives bottles in bulk; it helps to organize the bottles in various groups to be used along with a production line conveyor system where they are processed, filed, decorated and placed into cases or pallets.

Where is it used?

Bottleunscramble machine are employed in a variety of industries, including pharmaceutical, food and beverage, household, chemical and cosmetic, just to name a few. With a robust PLC controlled system and a touchscreen HMI, these bottle unscramblers Can Handle HDPE and Plastic containers with Round shapes. This machine incorporates a feature called as air scavenging during flow which in turn helps in ensuring cleanliness by pushing the dust out, sucked by vacuum in the end.


With an easy to integrate attribute, this system is known to be highly efficient. You can add convenience and productivity to your business without complicating your product range or requiring monetary assistance. As a result, you can keep watch on your overhead costs while upgrading your business at the same time. Some firms rely on people to sort containers manually which is complicated and susceptible to errors as well. With the help of this machine, you can reduce such costly risks to a minimum. Not to mention, the labor costs are reduced.
